Study Shows a Growing Preference for Alternative Wellness
As more people begin to focus on self-care, mental health, and their overall wellness, many are looking outside the box for new ways to fulfill their healthier lifestyles. Because of the versatility and flexibility of alternative wellness methods, it has become a popular option for individuals from all walks of life.
Even though alternative wellness is not a new concept, it is growing in popularity. Before diving into your own alternative wellness journey, let’s take a closer look at what it is and who is using it.

What is Alternative Wellness?
Alternative Wellness is simply the use of alternative wellness practices outside of the realm of traditional/mainstream therapies. This can include traditional medicine such as acupuncture and massage, but also encompasses new technology.
According to Medical News Today, alternative wellness may be more accessible in comparison to conventional medicine within the US healthcare system. Reasons include affordability, the ability to practice independently, or being more consistent with an individual’s culture. Some individuals may even go to alternative wellness after negative experiences with conventional medicine options.
What does the Statista Study say?
The study published by Statistainterviewed individuals from all around the world to get a comprehensive sample of where alternative wellness was growing in popularity. This 2023 study took the responses of adults ages 18 to 64 regarding their preference for alternative wellness. According to the study, “Alternative medicines include, but are not limited to, practices such as massages, acupuncture, herbal medicines and Traditional Chinese Medicine.”
In the results of the study, it was found that 21% of US participants preferred alternative healing methods over conventional medicine. This statistic showed a more positive reception to alternative medicine than individuals in France, Brazil, and Finland. Among other countries that showed positive reception to alternative wellness practices, India, the Philippines, and Switzerland were leading the pack.
This study highlights the growing demand for quality alternative wellness service options around the world.

Types of Alternative Wellness
There are various types of alternative wellness that individuals can use to practice self-care and add alternative wellness to their daily routine. Some provide a targeted approach while others use a more all-over approach. Some of the most popular alternative wellness practices include;
- Red Light Therapy
- Infrared Saunas
- Brain Tap Therapy
- Whole Body Cryotherapy
It is important to remember that alternative wellness practices can impact individuals differently. What works for one person may not work for another. Those on prescription medication or with pre-existing health conditions are encouraged to speak with their physician before starting an alternative wellness routine.
Where to Book an Alternative Wellness Appointment
Ready to try some alternative wellness practices for yourself? At Modern Cryo & Wellness, our dedication to providing our guests with top tier alternative wellness services has helped make us a cut above the rest.
Booking an appointment with Modern Cryo & Wellness is easy! When visiting our website, click the “Book Services Now” button and begin setting up your appointment. Guests can choose their service types, time duration, appointment date, and appointment time.
Have questions about your upcoming appointment or any of our alternative wellness services? We are here to help! Give us a call at 469-514-8122 or send us an email at Our team of dedicated staff members will be happy to address all of your questions and concerns.
With Modern Cryo & Wellness on your side, diving into the world of alternative wellness can be a fulfilling experience. We are ready to help you begin your journey with alternative wellness. The first step begins with the click of a button.